Parish Council Reports


The parish council approved in principle the publication of the minutes for their meetings on the website. Apologies for the fact that, on the whole, minutes have not been distributed for public consumption. Below, however, we do have the latest minutes from the meeting in May 2023 and we hope that the minutes of more meetings will be published at regular intervals.

The first meeting of the Parish Council took place inthe spring of 2018. The two year term of office of some members came to an end this year; they had the option of continuing for a further two. Five members stood down to allow new members to be nominated. These are Maria Eves, Lesley Farrar, Michael Glover, Colette Peaker, Br Dominic Sassi (representing the Religious but he moved to Manchester in Jan 2023 so he has resigned as a member). . 

The membership of the parish council is: Deacon Andrew Cleary (Chairperson) Maria Eves; Lesley Farrar; Mary Finch; Michael Glover; Lindsay Johnston; Josie Kelly; Anne McDonald; Deacon Joe McGunigle; Fr John Meehan;  Colette Peaker; Fr John Southworth; Miriam Thompson; Jane Whitehead.

Parishioners are invited to suggest items for the agendas or to comment on tne minutes of the meetings. Please pass these to Father John Southworth (see Contacts page).

Parish Council: Minutes of the meeting 17th May 2023

Opening PrayerMrs Johnston

 Scripture Reading – The Beatitudes from the Gospel of St Matthew – Mrs Johnston

 PresentFr John Southworth, Fr John Meehan, Maria Eves, Lesley Farrar, Lindsay Johnston, Josie Kelly, Ann McDonald, Colette Peaker, Miriam Thompson,

Apologies Deacon Andrew Cleary, Mike Glover, Deacon Joe McGunigle


Mrs McDonald advised that the original DBS list held on file contained 93 names. A total of only 45 people have come forward to have their DBS certificates renewed, documentation has now been completed for 8 volunteers with a further 7 appointments in the pipeline. A further reminder is to be placed in the Parish newsletter urging people to make appointments with the Safeguarding team as soon as possible to ensure speedy completion of this exercise.

Action – Mrs McDonald

 Synodality -Update

Mrs Peaker confirmed that the parish synodal representative talk had been read out in Mass last week. The next synodal meeting is the week commencing 25th May at St Timothy’s, any feedback will be reported at the next meeting.

 Our Hope Document

A date is to be agreed for full meeting to be held revisiting this document and considering how the ‘Welcome to Witness Parish Audit’ can effectively be used in the parish.

Action – Fr John Southworth /Deacon Cleary

 First Holy Communions and Children’s Liturgy

FHC- Fr Southworth confirmed that the last of the FHC preparation sessions for the pupils at St Paul’s junior school would be held this week. The celebration of the sacrament will take place in St Paul’s Church at 9.30 am next week in classes (Tuesday – Friday), with parents and close family members invited. Thereafter parents will be asked to ‘book in’ for the Church celebration in Sunday Mass to ensure space is available- particularly at 11.15 Mass. Of the 20 Runnymede Families who attended the first preparation session in St Paul’s, 8 families are being supported by accompanists at various weekend masses. There has been no timescale put on these families in terms of completion of the programme.

LC- Two new volunteers have put their names forward for this ministry. Following the update of DBS

Certificates it is suggested that Little Church is restarted in both churches.

Laudato Si

The Archbishop will be visiting the Parish on the 30th of May to formally present the Live Simply Award. A simple service will be conducted followed by refreshments at the back of St Paul’s Church.

Representatives from CAFOD as well as the local MP Ian Byrne and Laudato Si members from St Mary’s Woolton have been invited. All parishioners are welcome to the presentation and have been asked to confirm attendance via lists placed at the back of both Churches for catering purposes.

Action – Mrs Johnston confirm with Br David that there is a list at the back of St Timothy’s.

Mrs Thompson – to ensure there is crockery available for the refreshments.

Seating, Use of Church Space and Promoting awareness of Parish Services/Groups

Fr Southworth confirmed this is in hand. One pew has been removed, the residual seven will be moved to the garage for storage before the 30th May. Display boards, in dark red, are on route from the suppliers. A photographer, to take pictures of council members is now to be sourced.

Action – Fr Southworth/Mrs Johnston


Health and Safety

Mrs Peaker confirmed she will purchase two accident books and First Aid kits, one for each church. Mrs McDonald agreed to be the designated First Aider for St Timothy’s.

Action- Mrs Peaker/Mrs McDonald

Parish Quiz

Mrs Farrar has confirmed the parish club is available for the next parish quiz on the agreed date of the 21st June at 7.30pm.

Action – Mrs Farrar

Concluding Prayer - read by Mrs Peaker

The meeting concluded at 8.20pm

Date and time of the next meeting – Wednesday 28th June at 7pm  in St Paul’s Presbytery

MINUTES of meeting on 06/04/2022 At st Timothy’s

1. Opening Prayer

2. Apologies

Deacon Joe McGunigle

3. Welcome to new members

The Chairman welcomed the 5 new members of the Council: Maria Eves, Leslie Farrar, Mike Glover, Colette Peaker, Dominic Sassi. In addition he clarified the makeup of the Council which consisted of 10 nominated members and 5 ex-officio members: the parish priest and assistant priest, 2 deacons, and the safeguarding representative, Ann McDonald. A full list of the members can be seen on the parish notice boards.

4. Terms of Reference, Purpose and Roles

A draft Constitution was circulated which was discussed at previous meetings but never ratified. Members were asked to examine the document at home which would be discussed at the next meeting

In addition the importance of confidentiality of opinions expressed by members was important. Minutes of the meetings would detail decisions made would be published in the churches and on the website.

5. Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan: Deanery Synodal Council

Fr Southworth informed the Council of the progress of the Areas of Developments so far

6th Area: Care for priests. Over 90% of the priests of the Archdiocese had taken up the invitation to an interview which covered many areas of life including their well being and support. A report would be delivered to the Archbishop later in the year.

3rd  Area: Synodality. The first development was to be the setting up of Deanery Synodal Councils. Lay chairs had been appointed who would receive formation together with the dean. Each parish of the Archdiocese would have a member which would require one member for St Paul and one for St Timothy. How these would be chosen had not yet been decided.

The Archbishop had recently delivered the result of our Synod to Rome which had been received very positively. The Archdiocese had also been represented in a recent international conference on Synodality in Oxford.

6. Safeguarding Update

A McDonald, the Safeguarding representative explained how the DBS process had halted at the moment; this was due to work being done at the Margaret Clitherow Centre (ie the Archdiocesan Offices). This would mean delays in any future DBS requests for Ministers of Communion and other parish roles.